piglets slats
*13 years experience in all Europe
*Strong hookings, easy to join
*Rounded ribs for best cleaning and hygiene
*No corrosion like in metal floorings
*Heat conservation for better animal
Models and sizes available
-cms. 39x50 with straight sides=Kgs. 2,5
each=3300 pcs in 1x20 Ft container
-cms. 49x50 with Greek fret=Kgs. 2,8 each=2640
pcs in 1x20 Ft container
-cms. 45x90 with straight sides=Kgs. 3,1
each=2640 pcs in 1x20 Ft container
-cms. 59x50 with straight sides=Kgs. 3,5
each=2100 pcs in 1x20 Ft container
*Material: High density omopolymer
*Thickness: mm. 45=holes: mm.9x77
*Models with straight sides are installed on
iron profiles, "L" or
"T" shaped ("T" profile
installed upside-down).
*Models with Greek fret are installed on
irons of 5 or 7 mm. thickness.
Sides of slats perpendicular to holes are
always 500 mm. long while sides with hooking
systems are 390 or 490 or 590mm.
adult pigs slats
*Special no-slippering design with squares
*Reinforced hooks for heavy pigs
*Soft material and rounded edges not to hurt
sow's skin and nipples
Models and sizes available
cms. 49x50 with Greek fret = Kgs. 2.85 each
= 2640pcs in 1x20Ft container
*Material: Copolymer *Thickness:
mm.45=Holes: mm9x77 |